
Bidding Challenges

Atkins is a multinational engineering and project management consultancy, known for providing design, engineering, and project management services for infrastructure and transportation projects. It is one of the world's leading engineering consultancies, with expertise in sectors like transportation, infrastructure planning, water, environment, and energy.

BID model & management
Resource Management
Machine Learning
Construction & Consulting
Company size
(18 000+ Employees)
United Kingdom
Use Case
Bidding Model
20.000+ large projects operate as micro-businesses without centralized processes and no ability to benchmark in real time. A wide variety of disconnected solutions were used and huge amounts of manual effort was spent on creating latent reporting.
reduction in project downturn
11 %
improvement of resource Utilisation and Project margin
cost savings in overall project waste
Segregated bid modelling across multiple business functions
Non-standardized "bottom-up" approach, leading to inaccuracies
Bidding process managed manually with disconnected systems
Overlap of roles, incorrect assumptions and overpricing
Line at NEOM. One of the most ambitious projects currently in development by Atkins.

In just under one month, Keross implemented a completely tailored digital bid management tool that would enable WS Atkins to have a centralized, efficient and collaborative approach to pricing new projects.

Ikon allowed WS Atkins to link and centralize, in real-time, all relevant data sources such as Finance, ERP, Governance, HRMS, CRM, etc. Governed through a central dashboard, the summary of activities, assigned responsibilities and defined program are all accessible through a single platform.

Ikon further enabled the push & pull of data in real time, enabling the business to compare baselines for each iteration. Additional functionalities such as developing trends and analyzing discount margins were made available.

Single Source of Truth (real-time data integration & management).
Sandbox area allowing management to adjust bid, time or resource to see business impact.
Governance enforced by automating approval processes.
Geography and additional functionality enabled.
Gavin Britton
Digital Portfolio & Products Director, Atkins
Competitors quoted 24 months for partial scope delivery. With Ikon, we delivered an end-to-end digital project & portfolio management solution in 8 months.

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