
The Ikon Platform by Keross is a platform that integrates, automates, analyzes and visualizes data from various sources, systems, people and processes. The Ikon platform is not a product, but a platform that can be customized and adapted to each customer’s needs and preferences.

The Ikon Platform by Keross and problems of modern organizations

A large number of heterogeneous data sources, both external and internal.

Modern organizations deal with a huge amount of data that comes from various sources, such as ERP, CRM, BI, IoT, social networks, websites, etc. These data can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured, and have different formats, protocols and standards. To use these data for decision making, they need to be collected, merged, transformed and stored in a unified system.
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to connect any data sources, using ready-made connectors or creating your own ones, and provides an intuitive interface for setting up and running integration processes. The platform also supports real-time data ingestion and streaming, enabling faster and more accurate insights

Unreliability, outdatedness and inconsistency of data.

Data obtained from different sources can be incomplete, incorrect, outdated or contradicting each other. This can lead to wrong conclusions, errors and loss of trust in data.
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to check data for compliance with predefined rules and quality criteria, as well as clean, deduplicate, enrich and validate data, using built-in or customizable functions. The platform also ensures data consistency and integrity across different systems and locations, using techniques such as data lineage, data catalog, data governance and data security.

Large volumes of manual processing and control of data.

Manual processing and control of data is a labor-intensive and boring process that requires a lot of time, resources and skills. Moreover, manual processing and control of data increase the likelihood of errors, delays and discrepancies.
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to automate the processes of processing and controlling data, using a graphical data flow builder, which allows you to easily create, modify and run complex data processing scenarios. The platform also supports data orchestration and scheduling, enabling you to coordinate and execute multiple data tasks and workflows in a timely and efficient manner.

Lack of control and management of data flows.

Data flows are sequences of actions that are performed on data, such as collection, integration, cleaning, analysis, visualization, etc. To ensure the efficiency and security of data flows, you need to have the ability to monitor their state, performance and results, as well as manage them, for example, start, stop, restart, change and other control commands.
The Ikon Platform by Keross provides tools for monitoring and managing data flows, such as dashboards, notifications, logs, audit, debugging, etc.. The platform also allows you to track and optimize the performance and resource utilization of data flows, using techniques such as data caching, data partitioning, data compression and data parallelization.

Unreliable reporting and detached from reality planning.

Reporting and planning are important processes for assessing the current situation and defining future goals and strategies. However, if the data on which the reports and plans are based are unreliable, outdated or incomplete, then the reporting and planning can be inaccurate, untimely or irrelevant to reality.
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to create customizable dashboards that reflect the real situation and trends, using data in real time and various visual elements, such as charts, tables, indicators, etc.. The platform also allows you to perform advanced data analysis and modeling, using techniques such as data mining, machine learning, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence. Thus, the Ikon Platform by Keross provides accurate and timely reporting and planning, which help you make the right decisions and achieve your goals.

Heterogeneous systems with different levels of integration capabilities.

Modern organizations use different systems for different purposes, such as ERP, CRM, BI, IoT, social networks, websites, etc.. These systems can have different levels of integration capabilities, that is, the ability to exchange data and functions with other systems. Some systems can be easily integrated, using standard interfaces, such as API, FTP, SQL, etc., and some systems can be difficult or impossible to integrate, using special methods, such as scraping, parsing, webhooks and other modern techniques.
The Ikon Platform by Keross uses open technologies, providing flexibility and compatibility with any systems, as well as full visibility and control, allowing you to customize and adapt the platform to your specific needs. The platform also supports data integration with legacy systems, which are outdated or obsolete systems that are still in use, using techniques such as data virtualization, data replication, data migration and data modernization.
The main capabilities of the Ikon Platform
Flexibility and extensibility for specific business objectives
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to customize and extend the platform for specific business objectives, using the components that allows you to add, remove or modify the features and modules of the platform, as well as the data sources, processing functions, dashboards and other capabilities of the platform.
Integration, not destructive, but complementary
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to integrate any systems, data, people and processes, using ready-made or customizable connectors. The Ikon platform does not destroy existing systems, but complements them, providing unified access and visibility of data in real time. The platform also supports integration with legacy systems, using technologies such as data virtualization, data replication, data migration and data modernization.
Automation of routine and manual processes using RPA\RDA
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to automate routine and manual processes, using a graphical data flow builder, which allows you to easily create, modify and run complex data processing scenarios.
The platform also supports process automation using RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and RDA (Robotic Desktop Automation), which allow you to simulate human actions on a computer, such as pressing keys, moving the mouse, filling out forms, etc.
Flexible organization and management (orchestration) of data flows
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to organize and manage data flows in a flexible way, using the orchestration core, which is a component that connects all systems, data, people and processes to deliver the environment for successful experiences and engagement. The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to create, modify and run data flows in parallel or sequentially, triggered by events or schedules, and monitored and controlled by dashboards and notifications. The platform also allows you to optimize the performance and resource consumption of data flows, using techniques such as data caching, data partitioning, data compression and data parallelization.
Performance optimization
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to optimize the performance and resource consumption of data flows, using techniques such as data caching, data partitioning, data compression and data parallelization. The platform also provides a sandbox, which allows you to test and debug data flows in an isolated environment, without affecting real data and systems. The Ikon Platform by Keross also allows you to manage projects, resources and risks, using tools such as dashboards, notifications, logs, audit, debugging, etc.
Ready-made modules and solutions for both typical industry tasks and the full cycle of automation.
The Ikon Platform by Keross offers ready-made modules and solutions that allow you to solve typical industry tasks, such as asset management, energy management, building management, transportation management, etc. The platform also allows you to implement the full cycle of automation, which includes collection, integration, cleaning, analysis, visualization and action based on data.
Analytics and high reliability of data (timely reports and forecasts)
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to conduct deep data analysis, using modern technologies, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, etc.. The platform also ensures high reliability of data, checking, cleaning and enriching data, as well as maintaining their consistency and integrity. The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to create timely reports and forecasts, using data in real time and customizable dashboards.
Security and safety control of data
The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to secure and protect your data, using the Ikon components that ensures high security and safety of data, using encryption, authentication, authorization and auditing techniques. The Ikon Platform by Keross data security allows you to encrypt data at rest and in transit, using AES-256 and SSL/TLS protocols. The platform data security also allows you to authenticate and authorize users and roles, using OAuth 2.0 and RBAC mechanisms. The Ikon Platform by Keross security subsystem also allows you to audit and track data activities, using logs, alerts and reports.
The Opportunities implementation

Single Source of Truth

The Ikon Platform by Keross creates a single source of truth for all data, which are collected, integrated, cleaned and analyzed on the platform using the data hub, which is a centralized data repository that stores and manages data from various sources.

The data hub uses a hybrid data architecture that combines the advantages of relational and non-relational databases, such as high performance, scalability, flexibility and variety of data. This ensures high reliability, timeliness and consistency of data, as well as simplifies access and usage of data for different purposes and users using the Ikon data portal, which is a web-based interface that allows users to search, browse, query and visualize data from the Ikon data hub using natural language processing and interactive charts.

Probes and robots to automate data collection

The Ikon Platform by Keross uses probes and robots to automate data collection from different sources, such as ERP, CRM, BI, IoT, social networks, websites, etc. using the Ikon data collectors, which are components that connects to various data sources and extracts data using different methods, such as API, FTP, SQL, scraping, parsing, webhooks, etc.

Probes and robots can work in real time or on schedule, as well as adapt to changes in data sources using the Ikon data adapter, which is a component that transforms and validates data according to predefined rules and formats.

Probes and robots can also handle complex and unstructured data, such as images, videos, audio, text, etc. using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, etc.

Connectors to all modern DBMSs

The Ikon Platform by Keross supports connectors to all modern database management systems (DBMSs), such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, etc. using the Ikon data connector, which is a component that enables easy connection, extraction, transformation and loading of data from different DBMSs, as well as ensures high performance and security of data transmission using encryption, compression and batching techniques.

The platform data connector also supports bi-directional data synchronization, which allows data to be updated and transferred between different DBMSs in real time or on schedule.

The Ikon Platform by Keross data connector also supports data federation, which allows data to be accessed and queried from different DBMSs without moving or copying them.

Modern programming languages

The Ikon Platform by Keross supports modern programming languages, such as Python, Java, C#, R, etc. using the data processor, which is a component that allows developers to use their skills and experience to create complex and customizable data processing scenarios, as well as integrate the Ikon platform with other applications and services using RESTful APIs.

The platform supports various libraries and frameworks, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Pandas, etc. for data analysis and machine learning.

The Ikon Platform by Keross also supports code editing, debugging and testing tools, such as Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, etc. for developing and deploying data flows.

Low code | No code

The Ikon Platform by Keross offers a low code | no code approach for creating and managing data flows using the data flow builder, which is a graphical interface that allows users to drag and drop different elements, such as data sources, processing functions, dashboards, etc. to create, modify and run data flows, as well as monitor and control them using dashboards and notifications.

The platform data flow builder provides a library of ready-made data processing functions, such as data cleansing, data enrichment, data validation, data mining, machine learning, predictive analytics, etc. that users can use without writing any code. The Ikon Platform by Keross builder also provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface, which guides users through the steps of creating and managing data flows, as well as provides tips and suggestions for improving data flows.

Support for development methodologies

The Ikon Platform by Keross supports different development methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, Kanban, etc. using components that allows teams to work more effectively and flexibly, as well as collaboratively manage projects, tasks, resources, risks, etc. using tools such as boards, sprints, backlogs, burndowns, etc.

The platform also supports version control, testing and deployment of data flows using tools such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, etc. that allow teams to track and manage changes, automate and streamline workflows, and ensure quality and reliability of data flows.

Cloud-based or Standalone Platform Architecture

The Ikon Platform by Keross can be deployed either in the cloud or on local servers, depending on the needs and preferences of customers using the Ikon cloud solution, which is a cloud-based platform architecture that provides high availability, scalability and security of data, as well as reduces costs on infrastructure and maintenance.

The platform can also be deployed on local servers using the Ikon servers and work arounds, which is a standalone platform architecture that provides full control and ownership over data, as well as the ability to customize and adapt the platform to specific requirements and regulations.

White label

The Ikon Platform by Keross offers a white label solution that allows customers to use their own modules and solutions based on the platform under their own brand.

The platform allows customizing the look and feel and its content and functionality, both dashboards and data visualization and reporting methods, as well as data sources and processing functions.

Modules and pre-built solutions based on their own business processes in the Ikon platform under their own brand allow them to generate additional revenue from sales and use by other customers.

Training and support

Support for users and developers is provided 24 hours a day. The support team provides prompt resolution of emerging problems in real time.

The Ikon Platform by Keross provides training and support for users and developers using the platform.The Keross company offers documentation, video tutorials and distance learning to help users and developers quickly learn the platform and solve any problems.

The Keross company also provides certification and accreditation programs for users and developers to validate their skills and knowledge of the platform.

The key benefits of the Ikon by Keross
The Ikon Platform by Keross is a unified platform that addresses the integration, automation, analysis and visualization of data from various sources, systems, people and processes. The platform offers many benefits for different roles and functions in an organization, such as IT technicians, CEO and CTO, and business analysts.

For CEO and CTO, the Ikon by Keross provides a platform that can quickly build solutions for individual high-priority critical tasks, as well as track the dependence of KPIs on management decisions made. The  platform allows to perform advanced data analysis and modeling, using techniques such as data mining, machine learning, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, as well as to create timely reports and forecasts, using data in real time and customizable dashboards. The Ikon Platform by Keross also allows to perform what-if analysis and scenario planning, using techniques such as sensitivity analysis, simulation and optimization, as well as to monitor and control the status, performance and results of data flows and tasks, as well as identify and mitigate potential issues and bottlenecks.

For IT technicians, the Ikon by Keross provides a flexible, adaptable and scalable platform that can handle complex and diverse data with ease and efficiency. The platform supports modern programming languages, such as Python, Java, C#, R, etc., as well as a low code | no code approach that allows users to create and manage data flows with a graphical interface. The Ikon Platform by Keross also supports different development methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, Kanban, etc., as well as version control, testing and deployment of data flows. The platform also provides training and support for users and developers, as well as certification and accreditation programs and a community of experts and peers.

For managers and analysts, the Ikon Platform by Keross provides a platform that can integrate any systems, data, people and processes, using ready-made or customizable connectors that support different formats, protocols and standards, as well as support integration with legacy systems. The platform also provides a single source of truth for all data, which are collected, integrated, cleaned and analyzed on the platform, as well as ensures high reliability, timeliness and consistency of data. The Ikon Platform by Keross also provides a web-based interface that allows users to search, browse, query and visualize data from the platform, using natural language processing and interactive charts.

Flexibility, adaptability and scalability

The Ikon Platform by Keross can be customized and adapted to your needs and preferences, and can handle complex and diverse data with ease and efficiency.

Ability to quickly build solutions for individual high-priority critical tasks

The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to quickly build solutions for individual high-priority critical tasks, using ready-made modules and solutions, as well as advanced data analysis and modeling techniques.

Ability to track the dependence of KPIs on management decisions made

The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to track the dependence of KPIs on management decisions made, using customizable dashboards with real-time data and visual elements, as well as what-if analysis and scenario planning techniques.

Speed of implementation

The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to implement the platform quickly and easily, using cloud-based or standalone platform architecture, as well as integrate the platform with any systems, data, people and processes.

Flexible development methodologies

The Ikon Platform by Keross supports different development methodologies that allow you to work effectively and flexibly, and to track and manage changes, workflows and quality of data flows.

"Non-destructive integration" allowing to preserve the return on previous investments and legacy systems.

The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to integrate your existing systems and processes without breaking or replacing your old legacy IT-systems. The platform is a glue that unites your existing systems in the next level of business digital transformation. This means that you don’t need to change all of your business processes, or train all of your employees to use new systems, which saves you time and money.

Low cost of personnel training

The Ikon Platform by Keross allows you to reduce the cost of personnel training, using training and support for users and developers, as well as certification and accreditation programs and a community of experts and peers.

Embrace the future of business management with the Ikon Orchestration Platform.

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