Green Group

Securing with Automation

Green Group Global is a US Department of Defense and Department of Security licensed government contractor. It specializes in Private, Personalized & Corporate Security services with a focus on risk mitigation, litigation management and surveillance.

Command Center
Data Automation
Defense & Security
Company size
Enterprise (3,000 Emp., 5 Continents)
United States of America
Use Case
Security Data Consolidation
Green Group Global struggled to deliver actionable security intelligence on time, manually aggregating data from 12 tools and public services. This process led to missed deadlines, crucial information gaps, and inaccuracies due to human error.
Improvement in customer satisfaction
increase in output value
tools automated
Non-scalable manual data operations.
Over-reliance on 10+ legacy systems.
Technical constraints and high license costs.
Static, manual reporting methods.
Lack of predictive analysis capabilities.
Inefficiency in intelligence tool utilization.

Implementing Ikon's Central Command Console, Green Group automated the integration of 10 tools, boosting efficiency by 99% and increasing output value by 50%. This solution provided real-time dashboards, automated reporting, and a digital workspace for clients, enhancing their access to crucial security intelligence.

Centralized command console automation.
Real-time, multi-tenant dashboarding.
Predictive analysis for intelligent reporting.
Comprehensive automation of reporting.
Chief information Security Officer.
Green Group
GG was unable to find a vendor that could support them with automating their workload, while providing customizable outputs based on highly demanding client requirements. Ikon delivered the complete scope in 3 months.

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Green Group

Securing with Automation

Green Group Global eliminated manual data collection, automated reporting, enabled predictive analysis, and reallocated staff to actionable intelligence with Keross's Central Command Console in three months.

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